Handicrafts eilam 30

Ilam souvenirs from unique edibles to amazing handicrafts

Last Updated: May 11, 2024Categories: ShoppingViews: 273277 words

Ilam province is located in the mountainous and semi-warm region of Iran and is one of the forested provinces of our country. Northern Ilam has a mountainous and cold climate; but its south is warmer. Ilam is full of historical monuments, edible souvenirs and handicrafts. Siyahgol Fire Temple, Ilam Vali Castle, Simereh River, Shirin and Farhad Arch and thousands of other attractions are all gathered in Ilam to invite you to a memorable trip. I suggest that you definitely visit the sights of Ilam and try Ilam souvenirs for your trip.

Souvenirs of Ilam: A Taste of Tradition and Craftsmanship

Every journey brings back memories, and sometimes the best way to relive those memories is through souvenirs – tangible reminders of the places we’ve been and the experiences we’ve had. As you embark on your adventure to Ilam, consider bringing back some of the region’s unique treasures to share with yourself or loved ones.

What are the must-buy souvenirs of Ilam?

Ilam’s souvenirs can be broadly divided into two categories: edible delights and handcrafted wonders. Let’s delve into the world of Ilam’s culinary and artisanal treasures, but first, prepare to be amazed by the sheer variety and exquisite craftsmanship that await you.

Edible Souvenirs of Ilam: A Culinary Adventure Awaits

Ilam, a province nestled in the Zagros Mountains of Iran, is a treasure trove of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and, of course, delectable cuisine. Embark on a culinary adventure as we explore the edible souvenirs of Ilam, each bite bursting with flavor and tradition.

1. Dan Butter and Local Butter

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Dan butter, also known as animal fat, is a traditional Ilam product made from animal butter. The process begins with preparing yogurt whey in a large churn, which is then vigorously churned until butter is formed. The butter is separated from the whey and placed in large pots, where it is slowly heated to evaporate the water. The remaining substance, known as dan butter, is one of the most nutritious souvenirs from Ilam.

Health Benefits of Dan Butter:

Boosts the immune system
Possesses anti-cancer properties
Aids in burn treatment
Strengthens eyesight

Taste and Quality:

The flavor of dan butter depends on the diet of the livestock. However, Ilam’s pastures and plains are abundant in beneficial and aromatic herbs, which the animals graze on, contributing to the unique taste of the butter.

2. Wild Mountain Honey from Surge and Shelam

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Wild mountain honey is considered one of the most nutritious types of honey. Mountain bees typically reside on hillsides, forage on mountain plants, and produce mountain honey. This honey offers a range of health benefits, including:

Strengthens the digestive system
Combats anemia
Relieves constipation
Heals stomach ulcers
Serves as an energy booster
Aids digestion by supporting beneficial gut bacteria

Distinguishing Features of Wild Mountain Honey:

Wild bees have access to a wider variety of flowers compared to domesticated bees, resulting in a unique flavor profile.
Wild honey is produced in a natural environment, free from artificial additives or pesticides.

3. Kashk, Sesame, and Walnuts from Mishkhas

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Mishkhas, a valley teeming with trees, extends from the village of Jafarabad, 30 kilometers from Ilam, to the Tulah heights. This valley plays a crucial role in the region’s economic prosperity due to its high-quality produce.

Mishkhas Delicacies:

Walnuts and various fruits
Kashk (dried yogurt curd)

Mishkhas Experience:

Indulge in the delectable and nutritious products of Mishkhas.
Immerse yourself in the breathtaking scenery of orchards, farms, and springs.

4. Local Mastiha (Gum) from Baneh Trees

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Baneh, also known as mountain pistachio, resembles pistachio but has a smaller nut. The baneh tree produces a sap called mastiha or mastic gum. Mastiha is a thick, sticky, green-colored sap used in various applications, including:

Gum production
Perfume manufacturing
Traditional medicine

Significance of Mastiha Gum:

One of Ilam’s most valuable and renowned souvenirs
Harvested from spring onwards
Collected by attaching small clay bowls, called “kuchleh” in Kurdish, to the trees

5. Kak: A Traditional Sweet Treat

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Kak is a traditional sweet pastry originating from Kermanshah and also prepared in Shiraz under the name “Yokheh.” The preparation method varies slightly between the two regions.

Ingredients and Preparation:

Thin layers of dough
Special saaj (traditional griddle)
Wheat flour
Animal fat (preferably Dan butter for enhanced flavor)

Decoration and Serving:

Once baked, Kak can be adorned with coconut powder, pistachio powder, and almond slivers.
Enjoy the delectable treat!

6. Flavorful and Fresh Tarkhineh

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Tarkhineh is a traditional Kurdish soup made from fermented yogurt or milk. Its popularity extends beyond Iran, with fans in Syria, Turkey, Armenia, parts of Iraq, and Egypt.

Dried Tarkhineh:
Ingredients: Pomegranate juice, tomatoes, tarragon, mint, onions, “shalm” (a type of herb), yeast, mountain savory, yogurt, wheat, and spices
Preparation time: Approximately seven days


Combine dried Tarkhineh with legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils), onions, spices, and aromatic herbs.

Additional Tips:

Don’t forget to purchase dried Tarkhineh during your Ilam souvenir shopping spree.

7. Baji Bersaq: A Delightful Local Sweet

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Baji Bersaq is a beloved sweet treat in Ilam. This delectable confection is prepared using a combination of flour, sugar, eggs, milk, cumin, fennel, turmeric, and local animal fat (preferably Dan butter).


Prepare the dough
Cut the dough into pieces
Deep fry the pieces in oil

Meaning and Significance:

“Baji” translates to “live,” and Baji Bersaq is said to represent the message of enjoying life and living in the moment.

Perfect Pairing:

Baji Bersaq is a delightful companion to a steaming cup of tea.

8. Kaleh Kenjeh: A Sweet Souvenir Delight

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Kaleh Kenjeh is a type of halva (sweet confection) made with Zahidi dates and sesame seeds.


Mix the ingredients
Pour the mixture into a “chalg” (a traditional container)
Pound the mixture using a wooden-handled tool called “mieh kat” to extract sesame oil
Shape and decorate the halva into desired forms


Kaleh Kenjeh is particularly popular in Ilam during family gatherings and special occasions.
Tourists often include this sweet treat on their Ilam souvenir shopping list.


Don’t miss out on trying this delicious treat!

9. Bagoll Halva: A Nutritious Sweet Treat

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Bagoll Halva is another delectable halva (sweet confection) among Ilam’s edible souvenirs. This nutritious halva is made with dates, white sesame seeds, powdered kashk (dried yogurt curd), and local animal fat (preferably Dan butter).

Nutritional Value and Warmth:

Bagoll Halva, along with Kaleh Kenjeh, is a highly nutritious edible souvenir from Ilam that helps keep the body warm, making it an ideal winter treat.

10. Shala Kineh or Lekineh: A Traditional Saj-Baked Bread

Shala Kineh or Lekineh is a traditional bread from Ilam that holds a special place among the region’s edible souvenirs. The dough for this bread is prepared using boiling water, flour, salt, cumin, fennel, saffron, and a touch of Dan butter. Spread the dough on a saj (traditional griddle), wait patiently, and enjoy your freshly baked bread. Pair it with date syrup and local butter for an enhanced flavor experience.

11. Amberboo Rice from Ilam

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Amberboo rice is a type of rice cultivated in certain regions of Ilam and Khuzestan. This short-grain rice variety requires less water to cook and boasts an exceptional flavor and aroma. It is readily available in markets at an affordable price.

Nutritional Benefits:

Amberboo rice is rich in nutrients that aid in lowering blood pressure and improving malnutrition. Additionally, its warm nature makes it suitable for individuals with a cold temperament. Another advantage is that no chemicals are used in its cultivation.

12. Baneh: A Mountain Delicacy

As mentioned earlier, Baneh is also known as mountain pistachio, with various species existing, and only three varieties growing in Iran. Its fruit is spherical and turns green when fully ripe. This edible souvenir from Ilam possesses medicinal properties and is used in traditional medicine.

13. Local Saj Bread

Saj bread is prepared using a combination of flour, yeast, and water to form the dough, which is then spread on a saj (traditional griddle) for baking. The baking process on a saj gives the bread its name.

14. Traditional Gerdeh Bread

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Gerdeh bread is a traditional bread in Ilam, prepared using water, sugar, turmeric, and milk. These ingredients are combined to form a dough, which is then cooked over coals. The process involves placing the dough on embers after removing the ashes from the charcoal, ensuring proper cooking.

15. Pepeg Bread from Ilam

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Pepeg bread is an ancient bread variety from Ilam province. To prepare it, flour, water, and onions are mixed to form a dough, which is then divided into large pieces and baked under charcoal ash until ready.

16. Fitir Bread from Ilam

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Fitir bread from Ilam is another delectable and traditional variety. This bread requires no yeast; simply mix water, salt, and flour to form a dough, spread it on a saj (traditional griddle), and let it bake.

Ilam’s Handicrafts and Decorative Souvenirs: A Journey into Tradition

We’ve savored the culinary delights of Ilam; now, let’s embark on a journey into the region’s rich heritage of handicrafts and decorative souvenirs. These treasures will not only adorn your home but also serve as enduring reminders of your Ilam adventure.

1. Embossed Gilim: A Tapestry of Vibrant Colors

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Embossed Gilim stands out among Ilam’s handicrafts, captivating onlookers with its intricate designs and vibrant hues. This unique art form blends the elements of Gilim and Qali (rugs), creating lightweight masterpieces that are easy to transport and display.

Distinctive Feature:

The raised patterns that give the Gilim its name, adding an extra dimension of visual interest and tactile appeal.

2. Chigh Bafi: Weaving with Reeds

Chigh Bafi, a traditional handicraft practiced by Ilam’s nomadic tribes, is renowned for its intricate reed weaving. These woven panels, adorned with traditional motifs, were originally used as partitions within nomadic tents, providing shelter and privacy.

Unique Properties of Reed:

Hollow nature acts as an insulator, regulating temperature and keeping out dust, wind, and pests.
Modern Applications:

Chigh Bafi panels are now incorporated into modern home décor, adding a touch of rustic charm and cultural authenticity.

3. Local Giveh: Footwear for Comfort and Style

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Giveh, lightweight and breathable summer sandals, are a staple of Kurdish craftsmanship. These traditional shoes come in various styles and are ideal for leisurely strolls and long hikes.

Benefits of Giveh:

Made from silk and cotton threads, offering comfort and softness
Durable against moisture, cold, water, and rain
A practical and stylish souvenir to cherish

4. Namadmali: Transforming Wool into Warmth

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Namadmali, the art of creating felt products, is an ancient tradition in Ilam. Felt, derived from sheep’s wool, is renowned for its exceptional warmth and versatility. Namadmali artisans transform raw wool into a variety of items, including:

Rugs and floor coverings
Table runners and decorative accents
Insulating materials for tents and homes

Practicality and Versatility:

Namadmali products provide warmth and comfort
Add a touch of rustic elegance to your décor
Serve as functional items for everyday use

5. Jajim Bafi: Woven Warmth and Beauty

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Jajim is a traditional textile made from colored spun wool, typically featuring a coarse texture. In Ilam, Jajim is primarily crafted using woolen fibers and serves as a multipurpose bedding roll. The weaving technique ensures that the pattern is visible from both sides, enhancing its versatility.

Historical Significance:

Traditionally used to welcome guests and add a touch of vibrancy to homes
Renowned for its rich color palette, contributing to the aesthetic appeal of living spaces

6. Hasiribافی: Weaving with Reeds

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Hasiribافی, the art of reed weaving, is not unique to Ilam but rather an ancient and widespread craft. It produces durable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing items that once served primarily practical purposes but now have a strong decorative and ornamental appeal. While Hasiribafi creations can still be used for their functional value, their beauty and versatility make them popular souvenirs.

7. Pottery: A Timeless Tradition

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Pottery, an ancient craft utilizing clay as its primary material, is practiced in Ilam using both manual and wheel-thrown techniques. This art form gained renewed popularity in Ilam around 2001 and subsequently spread to other regions within the province, including Darreh Shahr and Sarableh.

Enduring Appeal:

Pottery has long held a special place in the hearts of people, retaining its popularity over time
Its enduring value is further enhanced by its versatility, serving both functional and decorative purposes
Pottery creations are always in high demand, making them an excellent choice for Ilam souvenirs

8. Marquetry on Wood: A Symphony of Colors

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Marquetry on wood, a relatively new art form in Ilam, has gained significant popularity in recent years. This intricate craft involves arranging and inlaying pieces of colored wood and other materials, such as bone, metal, and shell, to create exquisite designs.

Unique Beauty:

Marquetry on wood is a beloved Ilam handicraft, offering a wide range of stunning and intricate designs
Each piece is a testament to the skill and artistry of the craftsperson

9. Black Tent Weaving: A Nomadic Heritage

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Black tents, locally known as “dovar,” are traditionally woven by Ilam’s nomadic women using goat hair. The use of goat hair is crucial as its unique properties allow the tent to expand in warm weather and contract in cold weather, ensuring a comfortable environment for the nomads.

Cultural Significance:

Black tents hold immense cultural significance for Ilam’s nomadic communities
They represent a way of life deeply connected to the land and nature

Photography Enthusiast’s Delight:

For photography enthusiasts seeking unique and traditional subjects, black tents offer a captivating opportunity to capture the essence of Ilam’s nomadic heritage

10. Metal Engraving: Adorning Copper with Intricate Designs

Metal engraving, the art of decorating and etching intricate patterns onto metal surfaces, particularly copper, brass, gold, or silver, is a popular craft in Ilam. Using a hammer and chisel, artisans meticulously transform ordinary metal objects into captivating works of art.

Unique Charm:

Metal-engraved items add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any décor
Designs can range from inscriptions to intricate patterns, each piece carrying a story or a memory
Ideal Gift:

Metal-engraved souvenirs make thoughtful and personalized gifts, conveying appreciation and care for the recipient

Many artisans offer custom engraving services, allowing you to create truly unique pieces
If you’re unable to find a design that suits your taste, don’t fret; a wide variety of ready-made designs are available

11. Setar Making: A Symphony of Strings

The Setar, a three-stringed lute, holds a special place among Ilam’s handicrafts and traditional Iranian instruments. Its rich history and soulful melodies have captivated music lovers for centuries.

Craftsmanship in Ilam:

Ilam boasts a thriving Setar-making industry, producing high-quality instruments at affordable prices
The construction of a Setar involves meticulous woodworking, metalwork, and stringing, resulting in an instrument capable of producing a wide range of expressive sounds

A Musician’s Delight:

Whether you’re an accomplished musician or simply appreciate the beauty of traditional instruments, a Setar from Ilam is a treasure to cherish

12. ‘Abba Bafi or Qatreh Bafi: A Legacy of Weaving

‘Abba, a traditional cloak or robe, is not just a souvenir from Ilam; it’s a testament to a rich weaving heritage shared across Iran. While ‘Abba Bafi was once prevalent in regions like Bushehr, Isfahan, and Nain, it continues to thrive in Ilam’s Mehran county.

Traditional and Modern:

Both men’s and women’s ‘Abba are produced in Mehran, with women’s ‘Abba known as ‘Qatreh’
Sheep or camel wool was the primary material, but nowadays, factory-made threads are also used

Simplicity and Durability:

The ‘Abba-weaving loom is a simple wooden structure, reflecting the straightforward nature of the weaving process
The resulting ‘Abba is renowned for its durability, lasting up to 30 years with proper care

13. Moj Bafi (wave weaving)  : A Fading Art of Textile Tradition

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Moj ( Wave ) Bafi, a traditional Kurdish weaving technique, is sadly facing a decline in popularity. Once a ubiquitous part of Kurdish homes and a symbol of celebration, its vibrant patterns and intricate designs are now less frequently seen.

Description and Significance:

Moj Bafi produces thick, colorful textiles resembling Jajim but with a distinct texture
Sheep’s wool is the primary material, and the weaving patterns vary from household to household
Traditionally used for home décor and as gifts for newlyweds
Preserving Heritage:

While Moj Bafi’s popularity has waned, efforts are underway to revive and preserve this unique art form

14. Hor: A Bulky Sack with a Rich History

The Hor, a large, two-part sack, has served for centuries as a practical tool for transporting grains, flour, legumes, and other heavy agricultural produce. Its name, derived from the Kurdish word for “ease,” reflects its ability to facilitate convenient transportation.

Durability and Longevity:

A well-maintained Hor can last up to 30 years
Sheep’s wool is the primary material, processed and spun into sturdy threads

Traditional Weaving Process:

Women traditionally prepare the wool during the spring shearing season
The wool is spun into strong threads using a spindle
The threads are twisted together in twos or threes to create the Hor’s weft

15. Ahrami Bafi: Weaving for Sacred Purposes

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Ahrami Bafi, a traditional Ilam handicraft, is distinguished by its use of the ‘Masoreh’ (bobbin) and ‘Mako’ (shuttle) tools, along with dyed woolen yarn. This art form is particularly prevalent in Ilam, Ivan, and Mehran.

Significance in Religious Practice:

Ahrami Bafi is particularly popular in Mehran, a border town frequented by pilgrims, as its products are often used as prayer rugs
These prayer rugs are highly valued for their craftsmanship and spiritual significance

Beyond Prayer Rugs:

Ahrami Bafi encompasses a wide range of products beyond prayer rugs, including decorative items and everyday essentials

16. Mishk: A Versatile Vessel from the Past

The Mishk, a traditional water skin known as “Kene” in the Ilami language, is a durable container for storing water, yogurt, oil, or other liquids. Made from tanned goat skin, the Mishk also finds use in making butter, yogurt, and oil.

Practicality and Photographic Appeal:

While the Mishk may not have everyday use in modern life, it serves as a fascinating subject for photography, adding a touch of authenticity to your images

17. Woodwork: Artistic Creations for Home and Beyond

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Venturing beyond traditional handicrafts, Ilam also boasts a thriving woodworking industry. Skilled artisans transform wood into a variety of items, from small decorative pieces to large, functional furniture.

Creativity and Craftsmanship:

Ilam’s woodworkers are renowned for their creativity and meticulous craftsmanship, producing items that are both aesthetically pleasing and practical
From intricate carvings to sleek, modern designs, the range of wooden products available in Ilam is truly impressive

Explore and Discover:

To get a sense of the variety and quality of Ilam’s woodwork, visit local shops or browse online retailers
Consider the style and functionality that best suits your needs and preferences

A Fond Farewell from Ilam:

As you conclude your Ilam adventure, don’t let the opportunity to acquire unique souvenirs pass you by. From delectable treats to exquisite handicrafts, Ilam offers a treasure trove of memories to take home.

Embrace the Experience:

Savor the flavors of Ilam’s culinary delights, capturing the essence of local cuisine
Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage, admiring the artistry and craftsmanship of Ilam’s handicrafts
Share your Ilam experiences with others, spreading the word about this captivating region

A Lasting Connection:

Let your Ilam souvenirs serve as tangible reminders of your journey, evoking fond memories and inspiring future explorations
Capture the beauty of Ilam through photographs, preserving the sights and experiences that have enriched your travels
Thank You for Visiting Ilam:

We hope you’ve enjoyed this virtual exploration of Ilam’s handicrafts and decorative souvenirs. As you embark on your own Ilam adventure, we wish you a journey filled with cultural immersion, culinary delights, and unforgettable memories.

Remember Gulf City Media:

As you share your Ilam experiences with others, don’t forget to mention Gulf City Media as your trusted source of travel information. We’re always here to help you discover the world’s hidden gems and plan journeys that create lasting memories.

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