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where is the loot desert : The attractions of Dasht Lot

Last Updated: January 21, 2024Categories: AttractionsViews: 1641525 words

Dasht-e Lut is one of the largest and hottest deserts in the world, located in the southeast of Iran. This desert is so vast that it covers about 10% of the country’s width. On the other hand, it is so hot that it is recognized as the hottest point on Earth. Despite these extreme conditions, it has many attractions, earning its name as the first natural site in Iran to be registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Dasht-e Lut, although a desert region, has always attracted domestic and international tourists who are eager to witness its beautiful landscapes. The desert is home to fascinating and unique phenomena, some of which are truly astonishing.

To visit Dasht-e Lut, there are different routes available, depending on which part of the desert you want to explore. For example, if you want to see the Khur Desert or the salty lake of Namak, you should take the route from Isfahan to Tabas. If you are interested in seeing the sand dunes of Shahdad, you should head towards the Kerman province and reach the city of Shahdad. Regardless of the route, booking a hotel in Isfahan, Kerman, or other nearby cities can enhance your travel experience significantly.

Dasht-e Lut Overview:

Dasht-e Lut is a desert region stretching from the north to the south. Due to its uneven terrain and geographical features, it is divided into three parts known as Lut-e Shomali (North Lut), Lut-e Markazi (Central Lut), and Lut-e Jonubi (South Lut). The overall length of this desert is approximately 320 kilometers, with a width of about 160 kilometers. In the past, it was believed that no living creature could survive in this desert. However, research conducted by biologists in this Iranian region revealed the existence of around 30 to 40 species, including sand foxes, sand cats, onagers, and various plant species. The annual precipitation in Dasht-e Lut is around 100 millimeters, leading to the formation of a seasonal river within this arid desert.

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The term “Lut” in Persian vocabulary means barren or devoid. The choice of this name for Dasht-e Lut was influenced by the absence of any living organism in certain parts of the desert. Some people refer to Dasht-e Lut as “Kavir-e Lut” (Lut Desert), although scientifically, a desert is defined as a barren land that has taken over low-lying areas, while Dasht-e Lut has various sections, and salt flats are just one of them.

Inclusion of Dasht-e Lut in the UNESCO World Heritage List

Unless a site possesses significant value and importance, it is not registered in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Dasht-e Lut holds importance for various reasons, such as being recognized as the hottest point on Earth. Additionally, it features two fascinating phenomena known as Kaluts and Sand Seas. Kaluts are unique formations created through the collaboration of water and wind in the desert. These beautiful and intriguing shapes can be observed in the western parts of Dasht-e Lut. The diversity in the shapes and colors of Lut Kaluts, attributed to variations in their sizes, adds to the significance of this region. Kaluts, in fact, represent a geological structure formed due to erosion in the desert. The Kaluts in Dasht-e Lut are considered among the best in the world due to their defined boundaries, varying heights, and their pristine and visible nature. The term “Kalut” is derived from the Persian words “Kal” and “Lut,” meaning the city of Lut. It is essential to note that the primary factors contributing to the formation of Lut Kaluts are the 120-day winds of Sistan and the seasonal river runoff.

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Besides Kaluts, Dasht-e Lut boasts incredibly beautiful Sand Seas, each unique in its own way. Various types of sands, including crystalline, star-shaped, linear, and conical sands, can be found in these seas. The Sand Sea is, essentially, an extensive sandy plain with rolling sand dunes. In the eastern part of Dasht-e Lut, one can closely witness these Sand Seas.

Another notable feature in Dasht-e Lut is the presence of sand structures called Nebkas. Nebka is essentially a sandy hill where plants grow, collecting soil in the shape of a pot. Nebkas are known as natural pots in the desert, creating an interesting visual spectacle. Dasht-e Lut has more Nebkas than any other desert region globally, and the world’s largest Nebkas are located in this desert.

Yet another captivating element in Dasht-e Lut is the presence of beautiful salt flats, exhibiting diverse shapes and colors. These include remnants of desert riverbeds, cracked multi-faceted salt crusts, gypsum domes, small salt spots, and carny salt formations.

Natural and Historical Value of Dasht-e Lut

In addition to the mentioned features, Dasht-e Lut consistently exhibits other characteristics that make it unique and noteworthy. This includes extremely tall sand dune hills, with some reaching heights of around 450 meters; these hills are among the tallest in the world. Another feature is the quartzary volcanic cones that abundantly populate the surface of Dasht-e Lut. Also, there are vast areas covered with basaltic rocks resembling wheat fields. Finally, various sections of Dasht-e Lut showcase different colors, enhancing its overall beauty. These are just a few of the many phenomena and scenic beauties that make Dasht-e Lut exceptional and unparalleled.

It’s worth noting that Dasht-e Lut’s significance extends beyond its natural phenomena to its historical value. Ancient artifacts dating back to the third and fourth millennia BCE have been discovered in this desert. Among these artifacts are valuable ceramic and metal vessels, with eagle motifs being the predominant decoration on these vessels.

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In conclusion, Dasht-e Lut’s importance is not limited to its natural wonders but also encompasses its historical value. The ancient artifacts, combined with the unique natural features, contribute to making Dasht-e Lut a special and significant region.

Recreation and Tourism in Dasht-e Lut

Dasht-e Lut is a vast desert region that, like any other desert, offers unique recreational opportunities for tourists. If you are a desert enthusiast, you can visit this area in the second half of the year when the weather is cooler and enjoy your time there. Below are some of the recreational activities that can be pursued.

Hiking in Dasht-e Lut:

Perhaps, when you hear the term hiking, you envision the simplest form of exercise involving straightforward walking. However, hiking in the desert and stepping on the soft and smooth sands is an entirely different experience. Desert hiking is one of the most challenging types of hiking, requiring high physical fitness and special equipment. It demands resilience, considering factors such as the relentless sunlight, extreme need for water, difficulty in taking steps, finding the right path with a guide, etc. It’s advisable to carry fresh lemons to prevent dehydration. Also, be aware that there is no water in the desert, so manage your water supply carefully, and be sure to carry enough water. Additionally, consider the cold nights in the desert, and bring warm clothing. Try to keep your backpack light, as walking in the desert is already challenging.

Driving and Off-Roading:

One of the most exciting activities you can do in the desert is off-roading. An off-road vehicle is a special type of high-clearance automobile designed for movement on soft and smooth sands. If you can acquire such a vehicle, you can derive maximum pleasure from being in the desert. Ensure you have a knowledgeable guide, enough food, and water. If obtaining such a vehicle is not possible, consider joining one of the desert safari tours held throughout the year, where organizers take tourists into the heart of the desert or wilderness. Register for the tour, follow the organizer’s recommendations, and enjoy your journey without worrying about planning or running out of fuel.

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Camel Riding:

Riding a camel in a desert region, especially in the vast expanse of Dasht-e Lut, can create memorable experiences. The only issue to consider is the direct sunlight, which can be bothersome. Therefore, use sunscreen and sun-blocking hats, and ensure you have sufficient water to enhance your camel riding experience.

Night Tours:

One of the distinctive features of desert areas is the starry nights, exuding tranquility. The desert sky at night differs significantly from the sky in any other part of the Earth. It is exceptionally bright and beautiful, as if a unique creator illuminates it, providing light through the moon and stars to the land. The presence of such a beautiful sky in desert nights is one of the reasons tourists venture into desert areas. Imagine spending the night next to a beautiful fire, enjoying a natural light show, and warming up with a cup of hot tea.

Night Walk:

If you are inclined, you can venture out into the heart of the desert in the darkness of the night. Always accompany a guide and never walk alone at night to avoid getting lost. After a contemplative night walk, return to the tent you set up in the desert, and savor a peaceful and restful sleep.

These activities allow tourists to not only appreciate the natural beauty of Dasht-e Lut but also engage in thrilling and adventurous experiences. Always prioritize safety, follow the guidance of experienced guides, and make the most of your journey into this challenging yet fascinating desert.

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