10 Historic Churches in Iran

Last Updated: April 28, 2024Categories: AttractionsViews: 373916 words

Iran has a long history of religious diversity, and Armenians and Assyrians are among the Christian communities that have preserved their historic churches as monuments over the years. These churches are now considered historical attractions and some of them have been registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List. They hold significant cultural, religious, and historical value.

There are around 600 churches in Iran, of which about 450 have been identified and 90 have been registered nationally. As you move north and northwest in the country, the number of churches increases. As a result, it can be said that East and West Azerbaijan have the most churches. While moving south and southeast, the number of churches decreases. After East and West Azerbaijan, Tehran and Isfahan have the most churches.

Here are 10 of the historic churches in Iran

1. Qara Kelisa (St. Thaddeus Monastery)

Qara Kelisa, also known as the Monastery of Saint Thaddeus, is the first Christian cathedral in the world. It is believed to have been built in the first century AD by Thaddeus, one of the apostles of Jesus Christ. The church is located in Chaldoran County, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran. The monastery is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

2. St. Stepanos Monastery


St. Stepanos Monastery, also known as the Djulfa Cathedral, is the second most important church in Iran after Qara Kelisa. It was built in the 9th century AD and is located in the Jolfa district of Tabriz, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. The church is named after Saint Stephen, the first Christian martyr.

3. St. Mary Church of Zorzor


St. Mary Church of Zorzor is located in the village of Baroon, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran. The exact date of construction of the Zorzor Church is unknown, but it is believed to have been built between 1315 and 1342 AD. The church is said to have been built as a school of religious, cultural and literary education by the Catholicos of Qara Kelisa.

4. Vank Cathedral


Vank Cathedral, also known as the Cathedral of the Holy Savior, is located in the Jolfa district of Isfahan, Iran. It was built in 1655 by Armenian immigrants who were brought to Isfahan by Shah Abbas II. The walls, vaults and dome of the Vank Cathedral are all painted with oil paintings depicting the story of the birth to ascension of Christ.

5. چوپان (Shepherd) Church

The چوپان (Shepherd) Church, also known as the St. Andrew the Apostle Church, is located in the village of Kandovan, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. It was built in the 16th century AD and was originally a place of worship for Armenian shepherds in the area. The church is small and has a cross-shaped interior. It is registered as a national monument of Iran and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

These are just a few of the many historic churches in Iran. These churches are a testament to the rich history and culture of Christianity in Iran, and they are well worth a visit for anyone interested in history, architecture, or religion.

6. Kantar Church


Kantar Church (also known as the Russian Church) was built in Qazvin during the Qajar era by a Russian company. The church was a place of worship for the employees of the Russian company in Qazvin, and “kantor” in Russian means “office” or “administration”. The church is also known as the Bell Tower.

This church is Orthodox and is still used for religious purposes today. It is open to tourists on some days of the week. The architecture of the church is irregularly polygonal and has a bell tower, a chapel, and an altar. It is considered the smallest Orthodox church in Iran.

7. Sorkhabad Church

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Sorkhabad Church is located in Mazandaran province and was built by Italian engineers during the Pahlavi era in a village of the same name. It is believed that the Italian engineers who came to the area to build the railway built it for their own religious worship.

This church is very small and is also known as the smallest church in the world. Sorkhabad Church is registered as a National Monument of Iran.

8. St. Sarkis Church

St. Sarkis Church, as the largest church in Tehran, is located on Nجات‌اللهی Street. This church was built in 1970 with the personal funds of the Armenians of Tehran. Sarkis is the name of one of the saints of the Armenian Apostolic Church who was killed on the orders of Shapur II. The architecture of this large church is inspired by the Middle Ages and the New Age of Armenia and is in the shape of a cross.

9. St. Mary’s Church

St. Mary’s Church in Tabriz is 500 years old. It is the largest and oldest church in Tabriz, where the Armenians of Tabriz hold their religious ceremonies.

It is believed that the founding date of this church is between 1500 and 1600 AD, but considering the type of architecture of the church arch, its construction date can be estimated between 1200 and 1300 AD. St. Mary’s Church in Tabriz is registered as a National Monument of Iran.

10. St. Garabed Church

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St. Garabed Church (also known as Surp Garabet) is one of the historical churches of Iran that was founded in Abadan during the Pahlavi era. This church was the largest meeting hall of the Armenians living in Abadan and was built in 1958.

Although St. Garabed Church was damaged during the Iran-Iraq War, it was later rebuilt and restored. This church is a neighbor of Imam Sadeq (AS) Mosque and shares a wall with it, so it is known as a symbol of respect between different religions.

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